Women in Construction Week 2020


Raquel Christensen, Regional Manager at OCMI, inspires others to chase their dreams no matter what obstacles they may face and is our feature for #WIC week2020. Trailblazer from a young age, Raquel co-founded the DBIA (Design Build Institute of America) student chapter at Cal Poly, SLO. Cal Poly SLO students, mark your calendar, Raquel is speaking/recruiting at your campus on April 27 & 28, 2020!

What advice do you have for women starting out in their career?

Speak up! Women naturally tend to be great listeners and observers. Have your voice heard and be confident in your abilities and unique perspective as it relates to your construction field. We need more outspoken female leaders to diversify the future of design, planning and construction.

Empowering women paves the way for change. What are some positive changes you have realized for women in the workplace?

Throughout my career, I’ve accepted every leadership role because I not only represent women in a male-dominated field, but also under-represented minority women who rarely have the opportunity to serve on boards or in management positions. I am a vocal advocate for women, encouraging them to support each other, thereby inspiring others to do the same. When the opportunity arises, I actively hire female project engineers/managers and mentor young women to strongly consider STEM fields.

What did you wish you learned sooner?

That no one is truly an expert in construction. Every project is different, with its unique set of challenges and dynamics. If anyone tells you that they can do this in their sleep, they are lying.

#ocmi #WICweek2020 #womeninconstruction #DBIA #calpolyslowic #NAWIC